論文編號: | |
第一作者所在部門: | |
中文論文題目: | Dynamically reorganized chromatin is the key for the reprogramming of somatic cells to pluripotent cells |
英文論文題目: | Dynamically reorganized chromatin is the key for the reprogramming of somatic cells to pluripotent cells |
作者: | Kaimeng Huang, Xiaobai Zhang, Jiejun Shi, Mingze Yao, Jiannan Lin, Jiao Li, He Liu, Huanhuan Li, Guang Shi, Zhibin Wang, Biliang Zhang, Jiekai Chen, Guangjin Pan, Cizhong Jiang, Duanqing Pei,Hongjie Yao |
論文出處: | |
刊物名稱: | Scientific Reports |
年: | 2015 Dec |
卷: | 5 |
期: | |
頁: | 17691 |
聯係作者: | Duanqing Pei,Hongjie Yao |
收錄類別: | |
影響因子: | 5.578 |
摘要: | |
英文摘要: | |
外單位作者單位: | |
備注: |