- 姓名:王建華
- 性別:男
- 職稱:研究員
- 學曆:博士
- 電話:
- 傳真:
- 電子郵件:wang_jianhua@gibh.ac.cn
- 通訊地址廣州市黃埔區開源大道190號

中科院昆明動物研究所, 1999.9-2005.7,碩-博研究生,病毒學
國家自然科學基金-NIH聯合項目,HIV-1 Nef蛋白與宿主蛋白Naf1相互作用調控病毒潛伏感染.
《Virology Journal》, Associate Editor;
- 2016,上海市科技係統青年五四獎章;
2011,上海市啟明星計劃(A 類);
- 2016,上海市科技係統青年五四獎章;
1)FanTJ, Sun L, Yang XG, Jin X, Sun WW*,Wang JH*.The Establishment ofanin vivoHIV-1 Infection Model in HumanizedB-NSG Mice.Virolocia Sinica,2019.PMID: 31863357.
2)Zhou YH, Sun L, Chen J, Sun WW, Ma L, Han Y, Jin X, Zhao QX, Li T, Lu H, Qiu X*, Wang JH*. TryptophanMetabolism Activates Aryl Hydrocarbon Receptor-Mediated Pathway to Promote HIV-1 Infection and Reactivation.mBio, 2019. PMID:31848275.
3)Qu D, Sun WW, Li L, Ma L, Sun L, Jin X, Li T*, Hou W*, Wang JH*.Long noncoding RNA MALAT1 releases epigenetic silencing ofHIV-1 replication by displacing the polycomb repressive complex 2 from binding to the LTR promoter.Nucleic Acids Res, 2019, PMID:30788509.
4)Li Y, Fu X, Ma J, Zhang J, Hu Y, Dong W, Wan Z, Li Q, Kuang YQ, Lan K, Jin X,Wang JH*, Zhang C*. Altered respiratory virome and serum cytokine profile associated with recurrent respiratory tract infections in children.Nat Commun, 2019, PMID:31123265
5)Sun WW, Jiao S, Sun L, Zhou Z, Jin X,Wang JH*. SUN2modulates HIV-1 infection and latencythrough association with lamin A/C to maintain the repressive chromatin.mBio, 2018.PMID: 29717016.
6)Li C, Wang HB, Kuang WD, Ren XX, Song ST, Zhu HZ, Li Q, Xu LR, Guo HJ, Wu L*,Wang JH*.Naf1regulates HIV-1 latency by suppressingviral promoter-driven gene expression in primary CD4+T cells.J Virol. 2017,PMID:27795436.
7)Jiang AP, Jiang JF, Wei JF, Guo MG, Qin Y, Guo QQ, Ma L, Liu BC, Wang X, Veazey RS, Ding YB*,Wang JH*.Human mucosal mast cells captureHIV-1 and mediate viral trans-infection of CD4+ T cells.J Virol. 2015.PMID:26719250
8)Jiang AP, Jiang JF, Guo MG, Jin YM, Li YY,Wang JH*. Human blood circulating basophils capture HIV-1 and mediate viral trans-infection of CD4+ T cells.J Virol. 2015.PMID:26018157;
9)Ma L, Sun L, Jin X, Xiong SD,Wang JH*.Scaffold attachment factor B suppressesHIV-1 infection of CD4+cells by preventing binding of RNA polymerase II toHIV-1's long terminal repeat.J Bio. Chem. 2018.PMID: 29887524.
10)Ren XX, Wang HB, Li C, Jiang JF, Xiong SD, Jin X, Wu L,Wang JH*.HIV-1 Nef-associated factor 1 enhances viral production by interacting with CRM1 to promote nuclear export of unsplicedHIV-1 gag mRNA.J Bio. Chem. 2016. PMID:26733199
11)Qian YW, Li C, Jiang AP, Ge S, Gu P, Fan X, Li TS, Jin X,Wang JH*, Wang ZL*.HIV-1 gp120 glycoprotein interacting with dendritic cell-specific intercellular adhesion molecule 3-grabbing non-integrin (DC-SIGN) down-regulates tight junction proteins to disrupt the blood retinal barrier and increase its permeability.J Bio. Chem. 2016.PMID: 27605665.
12)Shen CJ, Jia YH, Tian RR, Ding M, Zhang C,Wang JH*. Translation of Pur-α is targeted by cellular miRNAs to modulate the differentiation-dependent susceptibility of monocytes to HIV-1 infection.FASEB J,2012;PMID 22835829.
13)Ren XX, Ma L, Sun WW, Kuang WD, Li TS, Jin X,Wang JH*. Dendritic cells maturated by co-culturing withHIV-1 latently infected Jurkat T cells or stimulating with AIDS-associated pathogens secrete TNF-alpha to reactivateHIV-1 from latency.Virulence, 2017. PMID: 28762683
14)Kuang WD, Zhou YH, Zhong P, Zhang C,Wang JH*. Amino acids at positions 3, 168, and 169 are associated with the ability of Nef proteins from HIV-1 CRF01_AE to downmodulate CD4.J Med Virol. 2017.PMID: 28500742.
15)Ren XX, Li C, Xiong SD, Huang Z,Wang JH*, Wang HB*. Antibodies to P-selectin glycoprotein ligand-1 block dendritic cell-mediated enterovirus 71 transmission and prevent virus-induced cells death.Virulence. 2015. PMID: 26399965.
16)Zhang Y, Li SK, Yi Yang K, Liu M, Lee N, Tang X, Wang H, Liu L, Chen Z, Zhang C,Wang J*, Kwok-Wing Tsui S*. Whole genome methylation array reveals the down-regulation of IGFBP6 and SATB2 by HIV-1.Sci Rep. 2015.5:10806. PMID: 26039376
17)Yang FC, Kuang WD, Li C, Sun WW, Qu D,Wang JH*. Toll-Interacting Protein Suppresses HIV-1 Long-Terminal-Repeat-Driven Gene Expression and Silences the Post-Integrational Transcription of Viral Proviral DNA.PLoS ONE, 2015; PMID: 25915421
18)Ma L, Shen CJ, Cohen E, Xiong SD,Wang JH*. MiRNA-1236 inhibits HIV-1 infection of monocytes by repressing translation of cellular factor VprBP.PLoS ONE, 2014; PMID: 24932481.
19)Zhai RR, Jiang AP, Wang HB, Ma L, Ren XX, Jiang JF, Wu L, Wei JF*,Wang JH*. Histamine enhances HIV-1-induced modulation of dendritic cells to skew na?ve T cell differentiation toward regulatory T cells.Virology, 2013; PMID 23652320.
20)Liu W, Qin Y, Bai L, Lan K,Wang JH*. Kaposi's-sarcoma -associated-herpesvirus -activated dendritic cells promote HIV-1trans-infection and suppress CD4+T cell proliferation.Virology, 2013; PMID23510674.
21)Qin Y, Li Y, Liu W, Tian R, Guo Q, Li S, Li H, Zhang D, Zheng Y, Wu L, Lan K*,Wang JH*.Penicillium marneffei-stimulated dendritic cells enhance HIV-1trans-infection and promote viral infection by activating primary CD4+T cells.PLoS One.2011; PMID 22110688.
22)Qin Y, Li Y Y, Jiang A P, Jiang J F,Wang JH*. Stimulation of Cryptococcus neoformans isolated from skin lesion of AIDS patient matures dendritic cells and promotes HIV-1 trans-infection.Biochem Biophys Res Commun;2012; PMID 22704932.
23)Tian RR, Guo HX, Wei JF, Yang CK, He SH*,Wang JH*. IFN-lambda inhibits HIV-1 integration and post-transcriptional events in vitro, but there is only limited in vivo repression of viral production.Antiviral Res. 2012; PMID: 22584351.
24)Ji H, Jiang Z, Lu P, Ma L, Li C, Pan H, Fu Z, Qu X, Wang P, Deng J, Yang X, Wang J,Zhu H. Specific Reactivation of LatentHIV-1 by dCas9-SunTag-VP64-mediated Guide RNA Targeting theHIV-1 Promoter.Mol Ther. 2016. PMID:26775808
25)Qu X, Wang P, Ding D, Li L, Wang H, Ma L, Zhou X, Liu S, Lin S, Wang X, Zhang G, Liu S, Liu L,Wang J, Zhang F, Lu D, Zhu H. Zinc-finger-nucleases mediate specific and efficient excision ofHIV-1 proviral DNA from infected and latently infected human T cells.Nucleic Acids Res, 2013; PMID: 23804764.
26)Ren XX, Ma L, Liu QW, Li C, Huang Z, Wu L, Xiong SD,Wang JH, Wang HB. The molecule of DC-SIGN captures enterovirus 71 and confers dendritic cell-mediated viral trans-infection.Virol J.2014; PMID: 24620896.
27)St Gelais C, Coleman CM,Wang JH, Wu L. HIV-1 Nef enhances dendritic cell-mediated viral transmission to CD4+ T cells and promotes T-cell activation.PLoS One. 2012; PMID: 22479639.
28)Zhang C, de Silva S,Wang JH, Wu L. Co-evolution of primate SAMHD1 and lentivirus Vpx leads to the loss of thevpxgene in HIV-1 ancestor.PLoS One. 2012; PMID: 22574228.
29)Li S K, Leung R K, Guo H X, Wei J F,Wang JH, Kwong K T, Lee S S, Zhang C, and Tsui S K. Detection and identification of plasma bacterial and viral elements in HIV/AIDS patients in comparison to healthy adults.Clin Microbiol Infect.2012;PMID: 22084916.
30)Liu J, Chen K,Wang JH, and Zhang C. Molecular evolution of the primate antiviral restriction factor tetherin.PLoS One.2010; PMID: 20689591.
31)Guo D, Ding N, Xu Y, Guo H, Wei J F,Wang JH, He G, Yang R, and Zhang C.Near full-length genome characterization of an HIV-1 CRF01_AE strain in Jiangsu, China: evidence of two independent introductions from Fujian.AIDS Res Hum Retroviruses, 2009;PMID: 19534629.