- 姓名:李合英
- 性別:女
- 職稱:高級工程師
- 學曆:博士
- 電話:
- 傳真:
- 電子郵件:li_heying@gibh.ac.cn
- 通訊地址廣州市科學城開源大道190號

2018.03至今:betway体育下载 ,高級工程師
2016.052018.02:betway体育下载 ,工程師
1.Sun J, Zhu AR,Li HY (equal contribution), Zheng K, Zhuang Z, Chen Z, Shi YX, Zhang ZY, Chen SB, Liu XS et al. Isolation of Infectious SARS-CoV-2 from Urine of a COVID-19 Patient.Emerging Microbes & Infections.9(1): 991-993.2020.IF:6.212
2.Li HY1, Bai M1, Jiang XS1, Shen RX, Wang HN, Wang HY*, Wu H*. Cytological evidence ofBSD2functioning in both chloroplast division and dimorphic chloroplast formation in maize leaves.BMC Plant Biology. 20: 17,2020.IF:4.03
3.Zhou L, Shen RX, Ma XL,Li HY (equal contribution), Li GS, Liu YG*. Preparation of Rice Plant Genomic DNA for Various Applications.Current Protocols in Plant Biology, Published Online, DOI:10.1002/ cppb.20002.2016.
4.Ji CH,Li HY (equal contribution), Chen LB, Xie M, Wang FP, Chen YL, Liu YG*.A Novel Rice bHLH Transcription Factor, DTD, Acts Coordinately with TDR in Controlling Tapetum Function and Pollen Development.Molecular Plant. 6(5):1715-1718,2013.IF:6.337
5.李合英,吳鴻﹡.春砂仁傳粉及其生殖生物學研究進展.亞熱帶植物科學, 4:75-78,2012
1.Zhang X, Chen L, Huang X, Chen H, Cai B, Qin Y, Chen Y, Ou S, Li X, Wu Z, Feng Z, Zeng M, Guo W,Li H, Zhou C, Yu S, Pan M, Liu J, Kang K, Cao S & Pei D. MYOCD is Required for Cardiomyocyte-like Cells Induction from Human Urine Cells and Fibroblasts Through Remodeling Chromatin.Stem Cell Reviews and Reports, Published: 04 March2022.IF:6.692
2.Wu Y, Chen K, Li L, Hao Z, Wang T, Liu Y, Xing G, Liu Z,Li H, Yuan H, Lu J, Zhang C, Zhang J, Zhao D, Wang J, Nie J, Ye D, Pan G, Chan WY& Liu X. Plin2-mediated lipid droplet mobilization accelerates exit from pluripotency by lipidomic remodeling and histone acetylation.Cell Death & Differentiation, Published: 25 May2022.IF:12.067
3.Ma K, Han JL, Zhang ZX,Li HY, Zhao YC, Zhu QL, Xie YY, Liu YG, Chen LT.OsEDM2L mediates m6A of EAT1 transcript for proper alternative splicing and polyadenylation regulating rice tapetal degradation.Journal of Integrative Plant Bioligy. https://doi.org/10.1111/jipb.13167.2021.IF:7.061
4.Cheng S, Jin Pan,Li HY, Pei DQ*, Shu XD*. Evaluation of CML TKI Induced Cardiovascular Toxicity and Development of Potential Rescue Strategies in a Zebrafish Model.Frontiers in Pharmacology. 12:740529;2021.IF:3.845
5.Wen HX, Li LX, Zhan LX, Zuo YY, Li KP, Qiu MQ,Li HY, Sun WW, Xu E. Hypoxic Postconditioning Promotes Mitophagy against Transient Global Cerebral Ischemia via PINK1/Parkin-induced mitochondrial ubiquitination in Adult Rats.Cell Death & Disease.12:630; https://doi.org/10.1038/ s41419-021-03900-8.2021.IF:6.3
6.Wang Q, Xiong Y, Zhang S, Sui Y, Yu C, Liu P,Li HY, Guo W, Gao Y, Przepiorski A, Davidson AJ, Guo M*, Zhang Xiao*. The Dynamics of Metabolic Characterisation in iPSC-Derived Kidney Organoids Differentiationviaa Comparative Omics Approach.Frontiers in Genetics.12:632810.2021.IF:3.258
7.Xu Y, Zhou J, Liu C, Zhang S, Gao F, Guo W, Sun X, Zhang C,Li HY, Rao Z, Qiu S, Zhu Q, Liu X, Guo X, Shao Z, Bai Y, Zhang X*,Quan DP*. Understanding the Role of Tissue-Specific Decellularized Spinal Cord Matrix Hydrogel for Neural Stem/Progenitor Cell Microenvironment Reconstruction and Spinal Cord Injury.Biomaterials.268:120596.2021.IF:10.317
8.Xiao F, Sun J, Xu Y, Li F, Huang X,Li HY, Zhao J, Huang J, Zhao J*. Infectious SARS-CoV-2 in Feces of Patient with Severe COVID-19.Emerging Infections Diseases. 26(8):1920-1922,2020.IF:7.185
9.Xie XR, Zhang ZX, Zhao Z, Xie YY,Li HY, Ma XL,Liu YG*,Chen LT*.The mitochondrial aldehyde dehydrogenase OsALDH2b negatively regulates tapetum degeneration in rice.Journal of Experimental Botany.71(9):2551-2560.2020.IF:5.47
10.Wang PT, Xia JH, Zhang LL,Zhao SY,Li SB, WangHY,Cheng S,Li HY,Yin WG,Pei DQ*, Shu XD*.SNX17 Recruits USP9X to AntagonizeMIB1-Mediated Ubiquitination and Degradation ofPCM1 during Serum-Starvation-Induced Ciliogenesis.Cells. 8:1335,DOI:10.3390/ cells8111335,2019.IF:5.77
11.Zhou YS, Long Q, Wu Y, Xiang G, Yang L, Chen KS, Qi JT, Li W, Wu H, Li LP, Wang YF, Li M,Li HY, Tang HT, Bao FX, Liu XG*. Topology-dependent, bifurcated mitochondrial quality control under starvation.Autophagy.DOI:10.1080/15548627.2019.1634944,2019.IF:11.059
12.Liu XL, Qu LB, Ye XM, Yi CH, Zheng XH, Hao ML, Su W, Yao ZP, Chen PH, Zhang SN, Feng YP, Wang Q, Yan QH, Li PC,Li HY, Li F, Pan WQ, Niu XF, Xu R, Feng LQ*and Chen Li*.Incorporation of NS1 and prM/M are important to confer effective protection of adenovirus-vectored Zika virus vaccine carrying E protein.Npj Vaccines.DOI:10.1038/s41541-018-0072-6,2018.IF:3.143
13.ZhuQL,Zeng DC,Yu SZ,Cui CJ,Li JM,Li HY,Chen JY,Zhang RZ,Zhao XC,Chen LT,Liu YG*. From Golden Rice to aSTARice: Bioengineering Astaxanthin Biosynthesis in Rice Endosperm.Molecular Plant.11(12): 1440-1448,2018.IF:9.326
14.Zhao SY, Xia JH, Wu XH, Zhang LL, Wang PT, Wang HY,Li HY, Wang XS, Chen Y, Li YX, Pei DQ*, Shu XD*.Deficiency in class III PI3-kinase induces epithelial damage and intestinal inflammation in zebrafish.Nature Communications.9: 2639, DOI: 10.1038/ s41467-018-05105-8,2018.IF:12.353
15.ZhuQL,YuSZ,ZengDC,LiuHM,WangHC,YangZH,XieXR,ShenRX,TanJT,LiHY,ZhaoXC,ZhangQY,ChenYL,GuoJX,ChenLT,Liu YG*.Development of “Purple Endosperm Rice” by Engineering Anthocyanin Biosynthesis in the Endosperm with a High-Efficiency Transgene Stacking System.Molecular Plant. 10(7): 918-929,2017.IF:8.827
16.Chen X, Yang Q, Li H,Li HY, Hong Y, Pan L, Chen N, Zhu F, Chi X, Zhu W, Chen M, Liu H, Yang Z, Zhang E, Wang T, Zhong N, Wang M, Liu H, Wen S, Li X, Zhou G, Li S, Wu H, Varshney R, Liang X, Yu S. Transcriptome-wide sequencing provides insights into geocarpy in peanut (Arachis hypogaeaL.).Plant Biotechnology Journal.14(5): 1215-1224,2015. IF:5.752
17.Ma XL, Zhang QY, Zhu QL, L u W, Chen Y, Qiu R, Wang B, Yang ZF,Li HY, Lin YR, Xie YY, Shen RX,Chen SF, Wang Z, Chen YL, Guo JX, Chen LT, Zhao XC, Dong ZC, Liu YG*.A robustCRISPR/Cas9 system for convenient, high-efficiency multiplex genome editing in monocot and dicotplants.Molecular Plant. 8(8): 1274-1284,2015.IF:6.337
18.Luo DP, Xu H, Liu ZL, Guo JX,Li HY,Chen LT, Fang C, Zhang QY, Bai M, Yao N, Wu H, Wu H, Ji CH, Zheng HQ, Chen YL, Ye S, Li XY, Zhao XC, Li RQ, Liu YG*. A Detrimental Mitochondrial-Nuclear Interaction Causes Cytoplasmic Male Sterility in Rice.Nature Genetics. 45:573-577,2013.IF:29.352
19.Chen XP, Zhu W, Azam S,Li HY, Zhu FH, Li HF, Hong YB, Liu HY, Zhang EH, Wu H, Yu SL, Zhuo GY, Li SX, Zhong N, Wen SJ, Li XY, Knapp SJ, Ozias-Akens P, Varshney SK, Liang XQ﹡.Deep sequencing analysis of the transcriptomes of peanut aerial and subterranean young pods identifies candidate genes related to early embryo abortion.Plant Biotechnology Journal.11(1):115-127,2013. IF:5.752
20.Li HF, Zhu FH,Li HY, Zhu W, Chen XP, Hong YB, Liu HY, Wu H, Liang XQ﹡.Proteomic identification of gravitropic response genes in peanut gynophores.Journal of Proteomics. 93:303-313,2013. IF:3.888
21.Jiang XS,Li HY, Wang T, Peng CL, Wang HY, Wu H﹡, Wang XJ﹡.Gibberellin Indirectly Promotes Chloroplast Biogenesis as a Means to Maintain the Chloroplast Population of Expanded Cells.Plant Journal.72:768-780,2012. IF: 5.972
22.Yang QS, He H,Li HY, Tian H, Zhang JJ, Zhai LG, Chen JD, Wu H, Yi GJ,He ZH, Peng XX﹡. NOA1 Functions in a Temperature-Dependent Manner to Regulate Chlorophyll Biosynthesis and Rubisco Formation in Rice.Plos One.6(5):e20015.doi:10.1371/journal. pone. 0020015,2011. IF:3.234
23.白玫,鄭萍,李合英,吳鴻﹡.苦檻藍營養器官的結構特征與有效成分積累關係研究.華南農業大學學報, 36(6):104-110,2015
24.李海芬,李合英,陳小平,洪彥彬,劉海燕,吳鴻,梁炫強﹡.花生果針細胞顯微和亞顯微結構特征.熱帶作物學報, 34(3):501-503,2013