- 姓名:Stephen Dalton
- 性別:男
- 職稱:教授
- 學曆:博士
- 電話:
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- 電子郵件:
- 通訊地址廣州市黃埔區開源大道190號
1)Zhang L., Avery J., Yin A., Singh A.S., Cliff T.S., Yin H. andDalton S.(2020) Generation offunctional brown adipocytes through a directed developmental progression of human pluripotentstem cells.Cell Stem Cell27:784-797. [7/7]
2)Singh A.M., Zhang L., Avery J., Yin A., Du Y., Wang H., Li Z., Fu H., Yin H. andDalton S.(2020)Human beige adipocytes generated from adipose-derived stem cells have utility for drug discoveryand cell therapy of metabolic diseases.Nat. Commun.11:2758 [10/10]
3)ENCODE Project Consortium, Moore J.E., Purcaro M.J., Pratt H.E., Epstein C.B., Shoresh N.,Adrian J., Kawli T., Davis C.A., Dobin A., Kaul R., Halow J., Nostrand E.L.V., Freese P., GorkinD.U., Shen Y., He Y., Mackiewicz M., Pauli-Behn F., Williams B.A., Mortazavi A., Keller C.A.,Zhang X., Elhajjajy S.I., Huey J., Dickel D.E., Snetkova V., Wei X., Wang X., Rivera-Mulia J.C.,Rozowsky J., Zhang J., Chhetri S.B., Zhang J., Victorsen A., White K.P., Visel A., Yeo G.W.,Burge C.B., Lécuyer E., Gilbert D.M., Dekker J., Rinn J., Mendenhall E.M., Ecker J.R., Kellis M.,Klein R.J., Noble W.S., Kundaje A., Guigó R., Farnham P.J., Cherry J.M., Myers R.M., Ren B.,Graveley B.R., Gerstin M.B., Pennacchio L.A., Snyder M.P., Bernstein B.E., Wold B., HardisonR.C., Gingeras T.R., Stamatoyannopulos J.A and Weng Z. (2020) Expanded encyclopedias of DNAelements in the human and mouse genomes.Nature583:699-710.
4)Colunga T., Hayworth M., Kre? S., Reynolds D.M., Chen L., Nazor K.L., Baur J., Singh A.S.,Loring J.F., Metzger M. andDalton S.(2019) Human pluripotent stem cell-derived multipotentvascular progenitors of the mesothelium lineage have utility in tissue engineering and vascular
repair.Cell Rep. 26:2566-2579. [11/11]
5)Cliff T.S., Wu T., Boward B.R., Yin A., Yin H., Glushka J.N., Prestegaard J.H. andDalton S.(2017) MYC controls human pluripotent stem cell fate decisions through regulation of metabolicflux.Cell Stem Cell21:502-516. [8/8]